The World of Trains set is a psychological tool designed for facilitating, enriching, and supporting therapeutic work with children in settings of individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy.
The set is a therapeutic tool designed for therapists working with children in settings of individual therapy and group therapy. It is well suited for psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, expressive therapists, social workers, etc.
Included in the set:
✔ Deck of 50 Illustrated Cards
✔ Deck of 50 Story Cards
✔ Professional guidebook for therapists
“The World of Trains” set is a rich and useful resource which contains a deck of 50 Illustrated Cards, a deck of 50 Story Cards and a comprehensive guidebook for therapists.
Three professional tools in one kit!
The set is a psychological tool designed for facilitating, enriching, and supporting therapeutic work with children in settings of individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy.
Application in Family Therapy
During the second stage, they observe the different trains built . Each family member describes why s/he built that specific train. The therapist encourages the family members to discuss the issues that arise.
Application in Individual Therapy
The child chooses a card and is then asked to describe what led him to choose that specific train carriage. The therapist can assist with questions such as: “Is there a specific object in that carriage that makes a journey to new places easier? In what way?”;” How do the colors of the card make you feel?”;” Which supportive people, animals, or creatures are fit to ride in this carriage?”; ”Where exactly inside this carriage would you like to be, if you were to embark on this journey?”;” Would you prefer to stand, lay down, or sit during the trip?”;”What is missing in this carriage?”;”Which engine is best for leading the carriage safely and happily?”.
The child can be invited to copy the card and draw its surroundings, to name the carriage or relate the first chapter of this carriage´s journey.
Throughout this process, according to the content raised by the client, the therapeutic work takes place within the layers of reality (i.e. the client´s transition) , the layer of the imaginary (the carriage´s trip) or - in between them.
The set is a therapeutic resource designed to answer the specific needs of children and their therapists.
Among other issues relevant to children´s lives; “The World of Trains” set is a very useful tool for working therapeutically with issues related to groups and relationships.